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Year 5 Tutoring


My tutoring sessions are designed to help children prepare for selective school 11+ entrance exams.  This includes both state schools, such as; Tiffin, Nonsuch, Sutton, Wallington etc,  and independent schools such as Kingston Grammar, Lady Eleanor Holles, Surbiton High, Hampton Boys, and many more.


My year 5 sessions run once a week during term time.  They begin in early September and run until the end of the following September. (ending just before the Tiffin exam) Students interested in sitting the Independent school exams have the option of staying on with me until their exams. (up to the beginning of January.)  Sessions run once a week during term time, are an hour and a half long, and cost £30 per session.  There are  a maximum of 8 children in each session.


Note - Year 4 tutoring with me is not a pre-requisite. 


There are four year 5 sessions running weekly.  They all cover the same work so that anyone who has to miss a session for whatever reason could join another that week. The days and times of the sessions are as follows:


Wednesday 4-5:30pm
Wednesday 5:45-7:15pm
Thursday 4-5:30pm
Thursday 5:45-7:15pm


I offer an optional assessment session in late August or very early September.  This session lasts 2 hours, and you receive a detailed report via email afterwards.  I find this helps parents decide if tutoring is right for their child. It can also be considered a  trial run, to see how they manage, and how they feel about it.


Note 2 -  we do have children who attend with no intention of sitting selective school exams, but simply want to challenge themselves and improve their results in school.


Sessions cover all subjects required for school entry exams; English/Literacy, Writing, (both creative and persuasive) Maths/Numeracy, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and reading comprehension.


The children will be given books to take home and are expected to read two chapters a week, for which I will have questions prepared at our next session.  The goal of this is to build up both their vocabulary and reading skills by including discussions on “between the lines” reading. What was their motive? How do you think they felt?  Why do you think they did that?  In your opinion… They will also receive homework which should not take more than one hour per week to complete, This time increases a little in September to better prepare them for their upcoming  exams.


Subjects are taught in blocks of 4-5 weeks at a time, for maximum retention.


After the children have been with me for a while and I understand them better, I offer a face to face (or telephone if you prefer)  meeting to discuss progress and to understand your secondary school goals for your children.  This takes place around the February half term.


As we get nearer the exams, there will be much discussion with the children on what they can expect on the day of he exam, in order to best prepare the children and ease any fears.



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